Wednesday 22 May 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #2: Unsouled by Neal Shusterman

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, which highlights upcoming book releases we're really looking forward to. My pick this week is:

Unsouled (Unwind #3)  by Neal Shusterman
Release date: 15th of October 2013

Goodreads synopsis
Proactive Citizenry, the company which created Cam from the parts of unwound teens, is planning to mass produce rewound teens like Cam for military purposes. And below the surface of that horror lies a sinister layer of intrigue: Proactive Citizenry has been suppressing technology that could make unwinding completely unnecessary. As Conner, Risa, and Lev uncover these shocking secrets, enraged teens begin to march on Washington to demand justice and a better future.

But more trouble is brewing. Starkey’s group of storked teens are growing more powerful and militant with each new recruit. And if they have their way, they’ll burn the harvest camps to the ground, and put every adult in them before a firing squad—which could destroy any chance America has for a peaceful future.

My Thoughts
Did you read that synopsis?? Squeee! I love this series! It's amazing! I can't wait for Unwholly to be released! Only 5 more months! If you haven't read Unwind yet I advise you to do so as soon as possible. You won't regret it (unless you have a weak stomach, in which case maybe you shouldn't read it). It is awesome and mind blowing and wonderful! 
Only 5 months left to wait for Unwholly! And the cover is just as great as the other covers! So creepy and great and relates to the synopsis! :D :D


  1. Looking good! Never heard of this one before but it sounds great, Hope you get it soon!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I read the first book in this series but haven't read the second!!! From this super oasis it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!!!!

  3. I LOVE these books!! Definitely one of my very favorite series.

  4. I still need to start this series! Ugh! :) It looks so good! And different, which is something I am always looking for in a series!

    Emily @ Counting in Bookcases
