Tuesday 21 May 2013

Top Ten Tuesdays: Book Covers of Books I've Read

Top Ten Tuesdays is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is:
Top Ten Book Covers of Books You've Read

  1. Matched by Ally Condie - I just love this cover so much. It's so simple and modern and cool. Plus all the covers from the books in this series have a lot of meaning. With this one she's trapped in the ball just as she's trapped in the society, the colour green represents the green pill which Cassia is strong enough not to need and she's wearing the green dress she wore to the matching ceremony. 
  2. The Blemished  by Sarah Dalton  - The beautiful cover is what drew me to this book. I just love the shades of purple in it and love the background. Wonderful cover.
  3. Unwind by Neal Shusterman - The reason this cover is so great is how creepy it is, with the thumb print covering up the trapped person. In that way it's just like the book.
  4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - This is really really pretty! I love the blue colour and the font of the title.
  5. Cinder by Marissa Meyer - I love how simple and modern it is. The red of the shoe really stands out against the pale lag and plain background.
  6. Eve and Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate - This isn't the edition I read, but I prefer this one to the plain black UK cover. It's a lovely colour and the jigsaw apple is really cool.
  7. Forever by Maggie Steifvater - I like all the covers of Maggie Steifvater's books but this one is my favourite. It pretty and it fits the story very well.
  8. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Roth - It's the lovely warm colour and the swirly writing that I like most about the cover.
  9. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi - I really love this old edition of the cover. The new one's pretty cool too but  this one is just great.
  10. Divergent by Veronica Ross - This isn't the cover that's on my copy but it's the cover that first drew me in to this book. I think this cover is perfect for this great book.
Anyone else love these covers? I think they're all really good.

I've just realised that all the covers I've picked are YA. I guess that means that means that YA books have the coolest covers. Either that or I'm only attracted to them because I'm a teen, in which case the marketing people have done a great job in guessing what sorts of covers appeal to teens.


  1. Great list, I love that you explained why you love the covers. I love Cinder and Eve and Adam's covers as well.

  2. Love your list! I'm personally not a big fan of the Cinder cover but I LOVE THE BOOK!!!
    My TTT

  3. Great list! I love all of these!! I love your Under the Never Sky cover - I've never seen that version before.
