Sunday 5 May 2013

The Book Notes Project

So, I've just come across this post at A Wordless Blogger. It's basically about putting nice little notes into library books when you return them so the next person to check them out can get a lovely surprise. I think this is a really great idea! You can't imagine how excited I'd be to find a note in a library book. I'd feel like there were actually other people like me in my area, fellow bookaholics. I'd probably start squealing in excitement  that's how great I'd find it!

I'm definitely going to do this next time I check a bunch of library books out, and just hope hope hope that there's someone else out there who'll do the same. Now that this is like "a thing", there might be, but most of the books I check out look almost unread, so I don't even know if any teens in my area read books from libraries. Oh well, whether I get one back or not it'll be a nice feeling to know that someone might be smiling because of a note I left in a book!

Thank you for thinking of this great idea Emma!


  1. new follower via bloglovin' :)

  2. Thank you! Your blog looks really interesting and I completely agree with what you're saying in it so I've followed you back :)

  3. Congrats on the blog. Just found you on Goodreads, following you via bloglovin' :)

  4. Hey Lilac, it's Jack! I'm involved with the project too! So touching :')
