Sunday 5 May 2013

A Little Introduction

Hello, I'm Lilac, and this is my book blog. I've been a reader my whole life, and a reader of random book blogs for about a year now, but I've never had the courage to actually make one for myself. It just seemed like such a daunting thing to do; there's such a huge book blogging community and I didn't know if anyone would want to read anything I had to say. Then I thought, who cares? It'll be a fun experience anyway, whether anyone else is interested in it or not. My only worry now is that I'll forget to post for ages (I'm very lazy) but I'll try my best to post regularly.

I love all sorts of books, especially Young Adult. I love writing what I have to say about the books I read, but don't write full length reviews very often. Maybe that'll change, maybe not. The point is that books are my life, and I always have an opinion on the books I read. So this blog will be partly reviews, partly my random book related musings, and partly other random stuff and memes.

Thanks, and bye!


  1. Hi Lilac! There's always people who read blogs. I mean, my blog is only a month old and I already have 450 Wordpress followers and 200 Twitter followers. I'm so happy tags I can share my love of reading and ranting with other people, I'm sure you'll love the blogging world. I'll be looking forward to all your posts! :)

  2. Wow, that's impressive! Thanks for commenting. :)
